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Oolong tea

Oolong Tea is a green tea and semi-fermented tea with many varieties. It is a unique tea category in China.

a high-quality tea produced after picking, withering , shaking , frying , rolling , baking and other processes. Oolong tea evolved from the tribute tea dragon dumplings and phoenix cakes of the Song Dynasty, and was created around 1725 (the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty). After tasting, the fragrance remains on the teeth and cheeks, and the aftertaste is sweet and fresh. The pharmacological effects of oolong tea are prominent in fat decomposition, weight loss and bodybuilding. It is called "beauty tea" and "bodybuilding tea" in Japan. Oolong tea is a unique type of tea in China, mainly produced in the three provinces of northern and southern Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan. There is also a small amount of production in Sichuan, Hunan and other provinces. In addition to being sold domestically in Guangdong, Fujian and other provinces, oolong tea is mainly exported to Japan, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Macao. Its main production areas are Anxi County, Fujian Province and other places.


Brewing method

water for making tea

The water used for making tea requires that the water source be free of pathogenic contamination and industrial pollution. The sensory properties of the water should be good, that is, colorless, odorless, transparent, no peculiar smell, and no suspended solids. The tongue should feel cool and sweet, and the pH value of the water should be medium. Property 7. The permanent hardness after boiling does not exceed 8 degrees. Such water is suitable for making tea.

Traditional brewing method

Boil the kettle: Pour boiling water into the kettle until it is full.

Pour water: Pour the water from the pot into the tea boat .

Putting tea: This is a more elegant way of setting tea. Place a tea funnel at the mouth of the pot, and then use a teaspoon to pour the tea into the pot.

Water injection: Pour boiled water into the pot until the foam overflows the mouth of the pot.


value efficacy

main ingredient

Oolong tea contains more than 450 organic chemical components and more than 40 inorganic mineral elements. The organic chemical components and inorganic mineral elements in tea contain many nutrients and medicinal ingredients. The main organic chemical components include: tea polyphenols , plant alkaloids , proteins , amino acids , vitamins , pectins , organic acids, lipopolysaccharides , sugars , enzymes , pigments , etc.

The organic chemical components contained in Tieguanyin, such as tea polyphenols, catechins , and various amino acids, are significantly higher than other teas. The main inorganic mineral elements are: potassium , calcium , magnesium , cobalt , iron , manganese , aluminum , sodium , zinc , copper , nitrogen , phosphorus , fluorine , etc. The inorganic mineral elements contained in Tieguanyin, such as manganese, iron, fluorine, potassium, sodium, etc., are higher than other teas.

health function

  1. Eliminate reactive oxygen species that harm beauty and health;
  2. Drinking 1 liter of oolong tea every day can improve skin allergies;
  3. Drinking oolong tea can help you lose weight;
  4. Anti-tumor and anti-aging effects.


Taboos about drinking oolong tea

Drinking oolong tea is not only beneficial to human health, but also adds endless fun. But there are three taboos:

First, do not drink on an empty stomach, otherwise you will feel hungry, dizzy and vomiting, which is called " tea drunkenness ";

Second, don’t drink oolong tea before going to bed, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep.

Third, do not drink cold tea, as it is cold in nature and bad for the stomach.

These three taboos are particularly important for first-time drinkers of oolong tea, because oolong tea contains more tea polyphenols and caffeine than other teas.